7 Reasons why Life is like Lego

Yes, I jumped on the ‘7 things’ bandwagon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As a kid, I had a pink coloured, teddy bear shaped box, which was my box of Legos. I had a bunch of those familiar yellow blocks, some green coloured ‘grass’ pieces, and little Lego men!

Lego time was the best time.

Recently, I was assembling Iron Man with mini Legos and it dawned upon me – Life is like Lego!

Here are 7 reasons why –

#1     Some of us come with a manual

You’ve got your brand new box of Lego. You peel away the plastic cover and open the box. You’re introduced to a glossy sheet with instructions. Follow the instructions, and you’ve got yourself something cool!

A lot of us are born with a plan laid out for us. Study till you’re 25, then join the family business; study for xyz professional course; meri beti badi hokar doctor banegi, etc.

A bunch of us have followed the course charted for us, and boy, have we built something great for ourselves, or what?

Best example, though fictional : Naina Talwar. Modern School.


(Source – http://45.media.tumblr.com/f9402d97738147e8418285d714a20ac0/tumblr_n38nld0jSa1rkw3cco2_250.gif)


# 2     Some of us may choose not to follow that manual

Let’s assume someone got me a set of Lego – the one that builds a house.

But what if I don’t want to build a house? I could use the parts to build a barn, a building, a ship, a race car, anything I want! As long as I’ve got an idea of what I want to build, I can build it with the Legos I have.

Admit it, you’ve had that one rebellious phase in your life where you didn’t want to take the path chosen for you. You wanted to do something else, you wanted to be someone else, and you went for it!

You choose to go your own way and you get to be creative, you learn to take risks, and you learn to maneuver some risky terrain.

Go with your instincts and build something wonderful!

Best example, fictional again : Farhan Qureshi


(Source – imgur)

# 3     Every little component contributes to the big picture

Did I mention the Iron Man lego?

I lost one little block, and it ruined Iron Man’s gun arm! That block, just about one cm², was such an essential part of the whole set.

Incidents that seem menial and unimportant always contribute to the story that is life.

Get this – In the 4th grade, I was punished for not getting my grammar book, and that’s when I met one of my best friends. In the 11th grade, I met the other one. This was due to lack of space in a classroom of over 100 students!


# 4     Patience is a virtue

From 15 minutes to an hour, it can take you a bunch of time to build your Lego. You don’t leave it unless you’re summoned for lunch or dinner 😛

When you need to navigate through rough waters, patience is all it takes.

All we’ve got to do is keep moving. Try till you succeed, and at the end of it, you’ll build what you want, with perfection!

Unless you’re a Timelord, of course, in which case..


(Source – http://pa1.narvii.com/5850/aa7a34e4e567d7e7c54a9a893cce01676155822c_hq.gif)

# 5     You might not see how individual pieces contribute to the goal

“Tiny little yellow pieces, tiny little red pieces.. How exactly do I build Iron Man with this?”

*half an hour later*

“Look! I built mini Tony!!”

We’ve all been through highs and lows in our life. We might not see how these impact us, but they do.

For example, let’s assume you’ve just had the worst fight with someone. How does his contribute to anything?

Well, you learn to be more tolerant, and you definitely learn to be sassier during the next fight!

#6     The pieces WILL poke you

If you haven’t stepped on Lego, you haven’t known true pain.

Those little pieces are evil! How can something that’s essentially a toy be so sharp? Luckily, here’s something that’s got your back..


A lot like sharp Lego, there are things that will poke you, or people who will hurt you.

Deal with it like you’ve stepped on Lego – Curse it and move on!


#7     What you build might break, but that’s okay

Oh that moment when you’re almost done and the whole thing crumbles…


(Source – imgur)

But do we stop playing with our Legos? No. We pick up the blocks and rebuild it, with greater determination. We build something sturdier.

You will build things in your life. Relationships, your career, a painting, maybe even a sculpture! And there’s a good chance it might break, and that’s okay.

Why? Because now you know what went wrong. You can troubleshoot, and build something better!

From simple things like trying out a new recipe to monumental ones like career choices, this rule applies.

Don’t lose heart, ever. Pick up the pieces and rebuild it 😀


Legos, in my opinion, are the best thing ever. They’re fun to play with and they help us get creative!

Legos are life.


(Source – http://img.pandawhale.com/post-38447-everything-is-awesome-gif-lego-GdJw.gif)

7 thoughts on “7 Reasons why Life is like Lego”

  1. Everything is awesome. Even when it’s not.
    I love how you’ve taken things that most of us know (or inherently should) and told them to us in a new, fun way. Fantastic job!
    *fangirls himself into oblivion*


  2. Hi Sanjanakka! I loved your article on my favourite Lego® toys! I liked all your reasons. Pretty true! I have a suprise picture for you on whatsapp. ‘Everything is awesome!’


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