Hello 2016

Yayy, it’s my first blog, wheeee.

I’m going to begin this the way everyone begins their New Year:  Resolutions.

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(Source & credits: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-02/10/21/enhanced/webdr01/anigif_enhanced-buzz-31771-1423622240-4.gif)

Go ahead, smirk a little, we all know what we know about New Year Resolutions. They don’t last for a week, let alone a year!

Honestly though, do we make resolutions that are realistic? Or do we blindly set targets for ourselves that we know, somewhere, aren’t achievable? It’s so much easier to drop it off midway when you know you weren’t being realistic to begin with (or that you were probably drunk at the time).

So as is obvious, I’ve thought this through. I’ve made 3 New Year Resolutions for 2016, and here goes..

Numero UnoEff the negativity!

I’m going to cut out all the negativity and make sure I send out good vibes. Positive vibes only.

DeuxAcceptance & appreciation.

None of that ‘New Year, New Me’ for me. Instead, I’m going to learn to accept myself the way I am, and be more appreciative of the people around me.

Check out this bookmark my friend Sanaya made for the T.A.R.{who}.D.I.S Book Club (https://twitter.com/tarwhodis).


# 3 – I really need to start jogging. I can’t rely on good metabolism forever. I have heart disease in my genes 😛

*insert pretentious but inspirational quote about health*


My goal will be to imbibe these resolutions. ‘Resolutions for 2016’ must not, and will not, turn into ‘Resolutions for 2017’. I want to make these simple little things a part of me 🙂

Here’s something I came across.  It’s something I believe in, and I encourage everyone to do this.

a4a010561c88e8bf293ed58dafc8091e(Source & credits: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/a0/10/a4a010561c88e8bf293ed58dafc8091e.jpg)

Guys, watch Parks & Recreation okay. It’s the best. (Still sore over Amy Poehler not winning the Emmy last year.)

Lastly, thanks for reading, you guys! Let’s bring in 2016 on a fresh note 😀